- Press Releases

pronunciation in english for medical professionals

January 2, 2012

Pronunciation in English for Medical Professionals
New release

Pronunciation in English for Medical Professionals is available to schools or companies along with a User Management System. The new system tracks all student activity inside the programs including duration (time spent on each page), practice scores, assessment scores and results from the chapter and final reviews. Instructors or managers can quickly review student activity in a searchable database.

Pronunciation in English for Medical Professionals has more than 300 lessons with:
  • American, British, and Australian speakers
  • scored chapter reviews and a final exam
  • video presentations to introduce the concepts
  • immediate feedback on practice activities
  • record and playback to encourage practice/self correction
  • audio lessons to model the pronunciation
  • text translated into 10 languages
This program can be used by individuals, schools and corporations. Click here for the product information page.® provides products and services to improve communication skills for nonnative speakers of English at the high beginning through advanced level. Their six online, interactive programs, Pronunciation in English - High Beginning+, Pronunciation in English - Intermediate+, Writing in English - High Beginning+, Writing in English - Intermediate+, Idioms in English - Volume One and Idioms in English - Volume Two are part of the "English Skills Series" from ETS®, maker of the TOEFL® and TOEIC® tests.