Writing in English tips for English Language Learners

An example of a common writing error

Original Writing Correction
  1. I don't mind to do what I can do on my end for this kind of products, but I feel that we will need your contribution as you have been doing for us because you have connections and know more people in the storage area than us.
  1. I don't mind doing what I can on my end for this kind of product, but I feel that we will need your contribution because you have connections and know more people in the storage area than we do.

This example was compiled from the common errors lists generated by students using Writing in English  by AmEnglish.com.

It is challenging to identify your own mistakes in writing. The online writing program, Writing in English, automatically notes your errors and the corrections in the interactive practice exercises. These errors and corrections are saved on the Common Errors List.

TOEIC Writing Tip: gerunds

A gerund is a noun that is formed by adding –ing to the base form of the verb. Examples: He enjoys swimming. She delayed telling the truth to the judge.

TOEIC Writing Tip: Active Voice

Active voice focuses on the person who performs the action. Example: Maria made this mistake. (active) Passive voice focuses on the results of the action. Example: A mistake was made. (passive)

TOEIC Writing Tip: prepositions + gerunds

Prepositions are followed by gerunds, not infinitives or the base form of the verb. Examples: Thank you for responding so promptly. After looking over his application, the manger decided to hire him. Get more information on writing in English from Writing in English

TOEIC Writing Tip: Infinitives

An infinitive is formed by putting to before the base form of a verb. It can be used as a noun. Example: She often forgets to lock her car.

TOEIC Writing Tip: the verb + -ing

The verb + -ing can be used as an adjective, but it has a different meaning from the adjective formed from the verb + ing-ed. Think of the -ing form as active and -ed form as passive. Examples: That book was interesting. She was interested in that book.

Roadblocks to effective communication in English

Sometimes, mistakes in syntax/grammar can cause miscommunication.  This is true in spoken English as well as written English.  For example, in the following sentence a mistake with the modal “would” makes the meaning unclear: “I would get back to you by the end of the business day.” The speaker meant, “I will get back to you by the end of the business day.” Targeting common mistakes in writing can translate to more effective communication in conversations and email.

What are some ways to improve syntax/grammar in English?

It’s good to work with tools for structured and unstructured practice.

Effective Communication in English in the Global Workplace

Common grammar/syntax errors can cause confusion in email and in verbal communication in English. This confusion is multiplied when global teams are communicating across time zones. One international manager noted that an error in email typically requires 3 email follow-ups. Working with the interactive software program, Writing in English*, helps nonnative writers eliminate common grammar/syntax mistakes and build the skills to communicate more concisely and effectively in English.

The following paragraph was written by a professional from another country working in the U.S. It has some grammar/syntax errors. The unedited version is #1. In the second sample, the grammar/syntax errors have been identified. In the third sample, those errors have been corrected. There is a step number next to each correction in the third sample that correlates with the steps in the Writing in English program.

#1 Original

The problem I have being facing every day to integrate the software for ABC Software Project. A lot of times the behavior of software varies from the host environment to the target. My responsible making sure all the problems to be solved under specified environment and the performance of software must meet the expected requirements in the certain time frame. The problem must be review thru Peer Review to make sure it will never happen again.

#2 Errors Identified red= mistakes, ^= missing word

The problem I have being facing every day ^ to integrate the software for ^ ABC Software Project. A lot of times the behavior of software varies from the host environment to the target. My responsible ^ making sure all the problems to be solved under ^ specified environment and ^ the performance of ^ software must meet the expected requirements in the certain time frame. The problem must be review thru Peer Review to make sure it will never happen again.

#3 Corrected

The problem I face/am facing (7) every day is (7) to integrate the software for the (19) ABC Software Project. A lot of times the behavior of software varies from the host environment to the target. My responsibility (16) is (7) to make (11) sure all the problems are (10) solved in (15) the (19) specified environment and that (22) the performance of the (19) software meets (7/8) the expected requirements in the specified (24) time frame. The problem must be reviewed (10) thru Peer Review to make sure it will never happen again.

Steps from Writing in English

Step 7- Use the correct verb tense

Step 8- Use modal auxilaries correctly

Step 10 – Use active and passive appropriately

Step 11- Use gerunds or infinitives after verbs that require them

Step 15 –Use prepositions correctly

Step 16- Use the correct word form

Step 19- Use the correct article

Step 22- Use the appropriate word to connect clauses

Step 24- Use parallel structure

*Writing in English is co-branded by ETS (Educational Testing Service), makers of TOEFL and TOEIC

Common errors with "would" versus "will"

Original Writing Correction
  1. I would get back to you by Friday.
  1. I will get back to you by Friday.
Using these words incorrectly can cause confusion in both written and spoken English. The online writing program, Writing in English, gives you rules and examples for using these words correctly. It also lets you save your errors and the corrections in the interactive practice exercises on the Common Errors List.

An example of a common writing error with "even though/although"

There are multiple problems with the following sentence:
Mistake Even I am in difficulty to handle this problem, I think I can make it work. 1. There is often confusion with the words "even though" and "although" for non-native writers of English. The word "though" is missing in the sentence above. 2. The phrase "in difficulty" should change to "having difficulty." 3. The infinitive "to handle" should change to "handling."
Correction Even though/Although* I am having difficulty handling this problem, I think I can make it work. *If you need practice using words like "even though/although" to connect clauses, you can find help in Writing in English- Intermediate+. Writing in English- Intermediate+ is an interactive program that helps you write clear, concise, and correct English.

Common Mistakes in Writing


I was really irritated because he made me working overtime.


I was really irritated because he made me work overtime.


They promised sending the package by express mail.


They promised to send the package by express mail.

Example of a Common Writing Mistake

Mistake Correction
  1. I hope she can device a solution
  1. I hope she can devise a solution
  1. This is an economy solution.
  1. This is an economic solution.

Example of a Common Writing Mistake

Mistake Correction
  1. Yes, Tuesday at 11 AM is working for me.
  1. Yes, Tuesday at 11 AM works for me.
    (step 7; Writing in English- High Beginning+)
  1. I look forward to speak with you.
  1. I look forward to speaking with you.
    (step 12; Writing in English- High Beginning+)

Example of a Common Writing Mistake

Mistake Correction
  1. They advised me check with you.
  1. They advised me to check with you.
    They advised checking with you.
  1. They permitted me taking one piece of luggage.
  1. They permitted me to take one piece of luggage.

Example of a Common Writing Mistake

Mistake Correction
  1. I noticed that you is expanding the business recently.
  1. I noticed you have been expanding the business recently.
  1. With four years experience, I would like to promote to a higher level.
  1. With four years experience, I would like to be promoted to a higher level.

Example of a Common Writing Mistake

Mistake Correction
  1. The client insisted to meet with us tomorrow.

  1. The client insisted on meeting with us tomorrow.

Example of a Common Writing Mistake

It can be challenging to find your own mistakes in an email or an essay for a test like the TOEFL or TOEIC.  

The mistake below is covered in Step 11e in Writing in English - High Beginning+, an online, interactive program that helps you write clear, concise, and correct English.

Step 11e has an interactive presentation for this grammar rule followed by scored practices with immediate feedback.

Mistake Correction
  1. I was really irritated because he made me working overtime.

  1. I was really irritated because he made me work overtime.

Example of a Common Writing Mistake

It can be challenging to find your own mistakes in an email or an essay for a test like the TOEFL or TOEIC.  

The mistake below is covered in Step 10 in Writing in English - High Beginning+, an online, interactive program that helps you write clear, concise, and correct English.

Step 10 has an interactive presentation for this grammar rule followed by scored practices with immediate feedback.

Mistake Correction
  1. We need detailed information on how the data migration will be cover this vendor.

  1. We need detailed information on how the data migration will be covered by this vendor.

Common Writing Mistakes for ELL (English Language Learners)

Writing in English - Intermediate+ has interactive charts for adjective + preposition combinations in English followed by scored practices with immediate feedback.

Mistake Correction
  1. He is married with Rita.

  1. He is married to* Rita.

*This adjective + preposition combination can also be used in another way. When someone chooses to spend a lot of time at work, we say, "He is married to his job."

Common Writing Mistakes for ELL (English Language Learners)

It can be challenging to find your own mistakes in an email or an essay for a test like the TOEFL or TOEIC.  

The mistake below is covered in Writing in English - High Beginning+, an online, interactive program that helps you write clear, concise, and correct English.

Writing in English - High Begining+ has interactive, scored practices with immediate feedback to help you correct common mistakes.

Mistake Correction
  1. We have faced number of hurdles which we predicted and some could have avoided with more planning.

  1. We have faced a number of hurdles which we predicted, and some could have been avoided with more planning.

Common Writing Mistakes for ELL (English Language Learners)

Mistake Correction
  1. How many engineers you need for this project?

  1. How many engineers do you need for this project?

Common Writing Mistakes for ELL (English Language Learners)

Mistake Correction
  1. I will be in __ U.S. next week on a business trip.

  1. I will be in the U.S. next week on a business trip.

Common Writing Mistakes for English Language Learners

Writing in English - Intermediate+ has interactive, scored practices with immediate feedback to help you correct common mistakes.

Mistake Correction
  1. The client insisted in reviewing the prototype.

  1. The client insisted on reviewing the prototype.

Example of a Common Writing Mistake for English Language Learners

Mistake Correction
  1. I have a new manager about two months ago.

  1. I got a new manager about two months ago./ I have had a new manager for two months.

Common Writing Mistakes for English Language Learners

Mistake Correction
  1. The new business is very successful and takes on a life of its own.

  1. The new business is very successful and has taken on a life of its own.

Example of a Common Writing Mistake for English Language Learners

Mistake Correction
  1. I've gotten used to get up early.

  1. I've gotten used to getting up early.

Example of a Common Writing Mistake

Mistake Correction
  1. Some of you are probably aware about the recent changes.

  1. Some of you are probably aware of the recent changes.

It can be challenging to find your own mistakes in writing.

The mistake above is covered in Step 18a in Writing in English - Intermediate+, an online, interactive program that helps you write clear, concise, and correct English.

Step 18a has an interactive chart with adjective and preposition combinations in English.