Lesson plans for Pronunciation in English

Detailed lesson plans #

All AmEnglish product areas have detailed lesson plans available for free. These help save teachers time by providing a full curriculum to help students learn.

Pronunciation In English High Beginning+ #

The first level of our Pronunciation product's lesson plan includes activites for enhancing the lessons in the self guided program. Major concepts are explained and tips to help teachers reinforce concepts are provided.

Focus #

In the past, much time has been spent in pronunciation courses on individual sounds. The disadvantage of this approach is that it is very difficult and time consuming for adult learners to make changes in this area. The emphasis is on the big picture items: stress, intonation, and rhythm. Research indicates that improvement in these areas makes the biggest difference in intelligible speech.

Check out the full free lesson plan for Pronunciation in English High Beginning+

Sample lesson plan sections: #

In the classroom

Watch the video for

Stress Skill 8/8a: Reduced Syllables

In class review 1

Teachers: Put the word “adjustable” on the board and elicit from the class:

  1. How many syllables? (4)
  2. Which syllable is stressed? (2nd)
  3. How many schwa sounds? (3) adjustable

Note that different dictionaries use different symbols for the schwa.

In class review 2

  • Step one- teachers read the following list of words to the class
    American* (4 syllables; 2nd syllable stress; schwa - syllable 1, 3 & 4)
    photograph (3 syllables; 1st syllable stress; schwa - syllable 2)
    photography (4 syllables; 2nd syllable stress; schwa - syllable 1 & 3)

    *Note that dictionaries differ in marking the schwa, so some dictionaries will show 2 schwa sounds in “American” while others will show 3 schwa sounds in this word.

  • Step two - students indicate the number of syllables in each word
  • Step three - students indicate the stressed syllable
  • Step four - students indicate the syllable/syllables with the schwa sound
  • Step five - Teacher assesses the class based on what they observe

Group Practice

Put students in small groups, give them a 5-minute time limit and have them brainstorm a list of words they use or hear frequently that have a schwa. Mark the number of syllables, the stressed syllable and any schwa sounds.

Groups will take turns presenting their lists. Teacher will monitor for any problems and put those on the board.

Get the full lesson plan #

Check out the full free lesson plan for Pronunciation in English High Beginning+